Many Cook County homeowners were worried that they would lose the 7% real estate tax cap this year (it was set to expire). Fortunately, over the weekend the governor signed a bill extending the tax cap. Without this bill, Cook County homeowners would have faced larger real estate tax bills in the coming years. The 7% cap allows homeowners to receive an increased exemption on their taxes, resulting in a lower tax bill overall. Because of the 7% cap, the assessed value of a home can be reduced by up to $20,000. Without the cap, the exemption could not be more than $6000. Over the last few years, homeowners have come to expect this reduction. If you add these expectations to dropping real estate values and the current economy, a sudden increase in real estate taxes would certainly be unwelcome!
Effective June 1, 2010, Fannie Mae and other investors have increased the requirements for a salable loan. Going forward: 1) Lenders are responsible for verifying the borrower’s social security number. 2) Lenders must obtain documentation from the borrower, confirming that the borrower intends to use the purchased residence as his primary residence. 3) On the day of closing, lenders must confirmt that the amount of debt borrower has, the borrower’s payment history, and the borrower’s credit score is reconciled with the information the borrower provided when applying. 4) Loans cannot be originated, underwritten, or serviced by companies or people that are on HUD’s Limited Denial of Participation List, or on the General Services Administration Excluded Party List. Keep in mind that this does not mean that a residential loan cannot be made if it does not meet these requirements. You can obtain a residential loan that does not meet these… read more →
Good news for those homebuyers who were eligible for the home buyer tax credit but could not close by June 30, 2010! If you were unable to close by the deadline, you now have until September 30, 2010 to close your real estate purchase. Because of the backlog of mortgages, Congress decided to extend the deadline for closing. Keep in mind, if you did not enter into a real estate contract by April 30, 2010, this extension will not help you. The extension is only for those who had a valid, binding real estate contract as of April 30, 2010. Also, you must be otherwise eligible for the tax credit. In order to qualify for the first-time buyers credit of up to $8,000, you must not have owned a home in the last three years. For the existing homebuyer credit of up to $6,500, you must have owned your home… read more →
Associations frequently want to know what they can do when a unit owner rents out their condominium unit to someone who constantly violates rules. Well, assuming the association has not banned rentals altogether, there are a few options available: 1) If the condominium documents allow it, the association can assess fines to the unit for the various rule violations. Unit owners will not want to pay fines for problems their tenants are creating. In this way, unit owners are encouraged to deal more proactively with their tenants. Hopefully the unit owners can convince their tenants to comply with the association’s rules, or if not, they can start the eviction process. 2) The condominium board can also terminate the lease. The Illinois Condominium Property Act allows condominium associations to terminate tenant leases, so long as the requirements of the Act are met (i.e. proper notice, eviction proceedings, etc.) If you have… read more →
Yes, you read right. It is possible to get a loan to buy a new home based on your stock portfolio. In other words, you may be able to get through the home-buying process without any appraisal of the home and other traditional mortgage paperwork. In order to get approved for this type of loan, you must have a reasonably high net worth and a significant stock portfolio. The stock will be your collateral, instead of your new home. Of course, the loan will still have to be underwritten based on which stocks you own. What’s the plus side of a loan based on your stock portfolio? Well, there are actually quite a few positives: 1) If you find the right lender, the processing time may be a lot faster than for a traditional home loan; this is especially helpful if you want to close early; 2) Credit scores are… read more →
It wasn’t too long ago that the Radon Disclosure became a requirement for every residential sale in Illinois. Now, the Radon Disclosure has been modified. What’s new? Well, 1) If you’re selling a condo or co-op on the third story or higher, you no longer need to provide a Radon Disclosure at all; 2) If you are a seller and your home previously had elevated radon levels which have since been mitigated, you will have space to disclose this on the Radon Disclosure; and 3) A new Radon Disclosure form is now available and should be used whenever a Radon Disclosure is necessary. There is a also a new Illinois Residential Real Property Disclosure form available! Again, this new form should be used in all Illinois residential transactions. There is one primary difference between the old disclosure and the new one — now the seller is required to disclose whether… read more →
Many first-time homebuyers turn to FHA loans these days. After all, FHA loans have lower down payment requirements, and first-time homebuyers don’t always have a lot of cash to put down. New FHA regulations, while making the business of lending a bit safer for the FHA, will certainly affect first-time homebuyers, who often have lower credit scores and less money. What is the FHA doing? Specifically, it’s making the following changes: 1) The up-front mortgage insurance premium (UFMIP) will be raised to 2.25%, up from 1.75%, effective April 5, 2010. 2) If the borrower’s credit score is 580 or below, the minimum down payment will be increased to 10% of the purchase price of the home. Note that if the borrower’s credit scroe is above 580, the current requirement of only a 3.5% down payment stands. 3) Sellers can only provide a maximum of 3% in closing cost credits. Previously… read more →
If you own a home built before 1978, there may be lead-based paint present in your home. Granted, you may have been through numerous remodeling projects, and you may have brand new drywall or paneling. However, unless you’ve had your home tested and confirmed that it is now lead-free, you have no way of confirming whether there is lead-based paint in your home or not. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (the EPA) has issued new rules, which will take effect on April 22, 2010. If you are doing any remodeling work in your pre-1978 home after that date, you may only hire contractors that are certified by the EPA. Specifically, the EPA will be certifying contractors in practices that are “lead-safe”. Of course, if the paint in your house is not being touched, then you may use any contractor you wish. However, most remodeling work does require at least some… read more →
If you qualified for a loan modification and were unable to work out a plan you could afford, and you otherwise qualify under the Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternative Program (HAFA), you should know what you can expect for participating in the program. First and most important, you will have a plan for completing a short sale or deed in lieu of foreclosure. Many short sales languish for months. Often buyers get fed up and walk out of the deal, just waiting for the seller’s lender’s response. HAFA is expected to speed up the short sale process; prior to listing the property, homeowners will receive pre-approved terms for their short sales. Second, and also important, you will be released from liability for any portion of the debt that is not paid. In other words, if you bought your home with a $300,000 mortgage, and sold the home for $250,000 in a… read more →
The new Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternative Program, or HAFA, is meant to assist homeowners who are eligible for a loan modification but cannot work out a payment plan they can afford. Instead of being foreclosed, HAFA assists such homeowners with the short sale or deed in lieu of foreclosure process. HAFA is voluntary, and lenders are not required to sign up for it. Do you qualify under HAFA? Here’s a checklist to see if you do: 1) Your loan is a Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae loan. However, you may qualify even if it is NOT a Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae loan.2) Your bank or servicing company signed up to participate in the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) by December 31, 2009, AND your bank has also since signed up to participate in HAFA.3) The property in question is your primary residence.4) Your loan is the first mortgage on… read more →