City of Chicago Real Estate Transfer Tax Goes Up!

For years I’ve had buyers complain to me about the City of Chicago’s transfer tax. At $7.50 per thousand dollars of sales price, it was already one of the highest real estate transfer taxes in the state. For example, if you were buying a property in Chicago for $250,000, your transfer tax would have been $1875. That’s quite a bit more money for a buyer to budget for closing. But if you were hoping to get that bargain rate, today is the last day! Tomorrow, April 1, 2008, the tax goes up to $10.50 per thousand dollars of sales price, and that is no April Fool’s joke. There is a silver lining, however, but only for buyers! The extra $3.00 per thousand is the responsibility of the seller. So using our previous example, the tax on a $250,000 property is now $2625. The buyer is still paying $1875, and the… read more →